Los Angeles is renowned for its luxury real estate, with palatial estates in breathtaking locations. The Hollywood Hills, iconic for their expansive residences, contin...
An exquisite Mediterranean-inspired home perched atop the Hollywood Hills featuring a stucco exterior accented by arched windows, wrought iron, and bougainvillea balco...
Carolwood's managing broker Nick Segal, alongside agents Shaun Alan-Lee and Jane Dorian, recently founded the white-glove service team, which operates in markets in So...
Powerhouse agents and visionary leaders Nick Segal, Shaun Alan-Lee, and Jane Dorian proudly present The Advisory—a service-oriented team within Carolwood Estates, a bo...
Listed by Nick Segal and Shaun Alan-Lee of Carolwood Estates, Petite Villa Mauresque is on the market for $4.595 million.
A breathtaking retreat tucked into the verdant hillside of Hollywood's Outpost Estates at 2225 Malaga Road.
9440 Santa Monica Blvd. Penthouse Beverly Hills CA 90210
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